Dynam.AI prospects into 25+ industries at once

Artificial Intelligence
$1.4 million
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Hitting large numbers with a small team

Dynam.AI, a growth-oriented company, was facing extreme challenges when it came to generating leads and pipeline.

With a limited sales team and mostly CEO-led sales, they needed a way to quickly and efficiently generate leads and pipeline.

Hyperspect.AI stepped in to help by providing a comprehensive solution that included a TAM analysis and vertical prioritization exercise, high-volume outbound sales campaigns, and an automated lead handoff process into the CRM.

"[HyperscaleLeads] helped us create a million dollar opportunity with a massive, public company in the gaming space" - Diana Shapiro, CEO

High pressure to grow

Dynam.AI was facing several challenges with their lead generation and pipeline efforts.

With extremely low volume of leads, high investor pressure to produce results, limited resources, and a low signal-to-noise ratio, they were struggling to find and engage good fit accounts.

Additionally, they had manual sales processes and were struggling with email deliverability and high throughput outreach at scale.

Letting AI-based automation do the grunt work

Hyperspect.AI provided a comprehensive solution for Dynam.AI.

We did a TAM analysis and vertical prioritization exercise using our state-of-the-art database containing over 240+ organizations worldwide.

Additionally, we set up high volume outbound sales campaigns across a large number of their top selected verticals and automated the lead handoff process into the CRM.

Pipeline growth

The solution provided by Hyperspect.AI was highly successful.

Dynam.AI achieved simultaneous prospecting into a wide number of industries at once, generated dozens of meetings with $100m+ companies, and created over $1.2 million in sales pipeline.

With the help of Hyperspect.AI, Dynam.AI was able to quickly and efficiently generate leads and pipeline, despite their limited resources.

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